Liz Chiarello, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Courses Taught
Medical Sociology, Law & Society, Organizations, Professions
Ph.D., University of California, Irvine
Research Interests
Chiarello's examines stability and change in professional fields by bridging rarely integrated
subfields—sociological theories of organizations and medicine and socio-legal theories
of criminality and frontline work. Primarily using qualitative, ethnographic methods,
she concentrates on pharmacy, a highly understudied profession caught in the crossfires
of contemporary political conflict. She focuses on two particularly controversial
types of drugs: emergency contraceptive pills and narcotics. Though these drugs serve
very different physical functions, they are subject to overlapping social contexts
and similar mechanisms of resistance by political groups.
Publications and Media Placements
2015. Chiarello, E. " ." Law & Social Inquiry 40(1): 86-122.
2014. Chiarello, E. "." Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 42(4): 518-534.
2013. Chiarello, E. "." Mobilization: An International Quarterly 18(4): 429-451.
2013. Chiarello, E. "." Social Science & Medicine 98: 319-329.
2011. Chiarello, E. "." Work and Occupations 38: 303-339.
2011. Morrill, C. and Chiarello, E. "."
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, edited by D. A Snow, D. Della Porta, B. Klandermans, and D. McAdam. Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishers.
2010. Amenta, A., Caren, N., Chiarello, E., and Su, Y. "." Annual Review of Sociology 36: 287-307.
2003.Casasola, M., Cohen, L. B., and Chiarello, E. "." Child Development 74: 679-693.