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Ian Redmount, Ph.D.

Associate Professor


  • Ph. D. California Institute of Technology, 1984 (Physics):
    • Thesis advisor: Kip S. Thorne
    • Thesis title: Topics in Black-Hole Physics: Geometric Constraints on Noncollapsing, Gravitating Systems and Tidal Distortions of a Schwarzschild Black Hole
  • M. S. California Institute of Technology, 1981 (Physics)
  • B. S. Michigan State University, 1978 (Physics)

Research Interests

  • Quantized fields in curved spacetime: effects of dynamic gravitation on particles, definition of vacua and particles in cosmology.
  • Quantum gravity: dynamics of wormholes and spacetime foam.
  • Quantum mechanics: ambiguities in quantizing classical systems.
  • Pedagogical physics: apparent weight of an hourglass.

Publications and Media Placements

Recent Publications/Presentations: Books/Reviews

  • R. H. Price, K. S. Thorne, and I. H. Redmount, ``Gravitational Interaction of a Black Hole with Nearby Matter,'' in Black Holes: The Membrane Paradigm, edited by K. S. Thorne, R. H. Price, and D. A. Macdonald, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1986, pp. 181--234. Also in Cherniye Diri: Membrannii Podxod, translated into Russian by A. G. Polnarev, translation edited by I. D. Novikov and V. P. Frolov, Izdatel'stvo ``Mir,'' Moscow, 1988, pp. 229--294.
  • R. H. Price, I. H. Redmount, W.-M. Suen, K. S. Thorne, D. A. Macdonald, and R. J. Crowley, ``Model Problems for Gravitationally Perturbed Black Holes,'' in Black Holes: The Membrane Paradigm, edited by K. S. Thorne, R. H. Price, and D. A. Macdonald, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1986, pp. 235--279. Also in Cherniye Diri: Membrannii Podxod, translated into Russian by A. G. Polnarev, translation edited by I. D. Novikov and V. P. Frolov, Izdatel'stvo ``Mir,'' Moscow, 1988, pp. 295--344.
  • Ian Redmount, ``Wormholes, Time Travel, and Quantum Gravity,'' New Scientist, Vol. 126, No. 1714, pp. 57--61, 28 April 1990.
  • Ian H. Redmount, review of Cosmic Wormholes: The Search for Interstellar Shortcuts, by Paul Halpern (Dutton, 1992), in American Scientist, v. 82, n. 2, March--April 1994.

Research Articles

  • Sam M. Austin, E. Kashy, C. H. King, R. G. Markham, I. Redmount, and R. M. Ronningen, ``Ratios of cross sections for elastic scattering of 30.3 MeV protons from 40,44,48 Ca,'' Phys. Rev. C 19, 1186 (1979).
  • Ian H. Redmount, ``Geometric Constraints on Nonsingular, Momentarily Static, Axisymmetric Systems in General Relativity,'' Phys. Rev. D 27, 699 (1983).
  • Ian H. Redmount, ``Blue-Sheet Instability of Schwarzschild Wormholes,'' Prog. Theor. Phys. 73, 1401 (1985).
  • Ian H. Redmount and Shin Takagi, ``Hyperspherical Rindler Space, Dimensional Reduction, and de Sitter-Space Scalar Field Theory,'' Phys. Rev. D 37, 1443 (1988).
  • W.-M. Suen, R. H. Price, and I. H. Redmount, ``Membrane Viewpoint on Black Holes: Gravitational Perturbations of the Horizon,'' Phys. Rev. D 37, 2761 (1988).
  • Ian H. Redmount, ``Dynamics of a Void-Dominated Universe: Cell-Lattice Models,'' Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 235, 1301 (1988).
  • Ian H. Redmount and Fernando Ruiz Ruiz, ``Thermal Equilibrium in de Sitter Space,'' Phys. Rev. D 39, 2289 (1989).
  • D. Lynden-Bell, J. Katz, and I. H. Redmount, ``Sheet Universes and the Shapes of Friedmann Universes,'' Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. 239, 201 (1989).
  • Ian H. Redmount and Martin J. Rees, ``Gravitational-Radiation Rocket Effects and Galactic Structure,'' Comments on Astrophysics 14, 165 (1989).
  • Ian H. Redmount, ``Excited-State Spectra of de Sitter-Space Scalar Fields,'' Phys. Rev. D 40, 3343 (1989).
  • Evolution of Schwarzschild Space through the Singularity, a film by Donald Lynden-Bell, Joseph Katz, and Ian H. Redmount, photography and additional drawings by Edward L. Lynden-Bell and Michael Switzer, 16mm,b/w, 3 min (1989).
  • Ian H. Redmount and Wai-Mo Suen, ``Is Quantum Spacetime Foam Unstable?'' Phys. Rev. D 47, R2163 (1993).
  • Gregory Daues and Ian H. Redmount, ```Laboratory' Description of Field Excitations in a Hyperbolically Expanding Cavity,'' Phys. Rev. D 47, 2423 (1993).
  • Ian H. Redmount and Wai-Mo Suen, ``Path Integration in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics,'' Int. J. Mod. Phys. A8, 1629 (1993).
  • Ian H. Redmount and Wai-Mo Suen, ``Quantum Dynamics of Lorentzian Spacetime Foam,'' Phys. Rev. D 49, 5199 (1994).
  • Leonard Parker, Dan Vollick, and Ian Redmount, ``Atomic Spectra in the Gravitational Field of a Collapsing Prolate Spheroid,''Phys. Rev. D 56, 2113 (1997).
  • Ian H. Redmount and Richard H. Price, ``The Weight of Time,'' Phys. Teach. 36, 432 (October 1998).
  • Ian H. Redmount, ``Natural Vacua in Hyperbolic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Spacetimes,'' Phys. Rev. D, 60, 104004 (1999).
  • Stephen Winters-Hilt, Ian H. Redmount, and Leonard Parker, ``Physical Distinction among Alternative Vacuum States in Flat Spacetime,'' Phys. Rev. D, 60, 124017 (1999).
  • Ian H. Redmount,``Localized Particle States and Dynamic Gravitational Effects,'' Phys. Rev. D, 73, 044032 (2006).

Conference Presentations

  • I. H. Redmount, T. L. Khoo, and R. A. Warner, ``Three-Quasiparticle States in 177 Hf,'' published in the Annual Report of the Michigan State University Cyclotron Laboratory, 1974--1976, and presented at the American Physical Society East Lansing Meeting, October 1976.
  • Ian H. Redmount, ``Spectra and Dynamics of de Sitter-Space Scalar Fields,'' Contributed Paper at the International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology, Goa, India, 14--19 December 1987.
  • Ian H. Redmount, ``Cellular Models of the Void-Dominated Universe,'' Contributed Paper at the 20th Yamada Conference: Big Bang, Active Galactic nuclei, and Supernovae, Tokyo, Japan, 28 March--1 April 1988.Published in Big Bang, Active Galactic Nuclei, and Supernovae, edited by S. Hayakawa and K. Sato, Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, 1989, pp. 169--170.
  • Ian H. Redmount, ``What Gravity Can Do to Particles,'' Contributed Paper at the 12th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Boulder, Colorado, 2--8 July 1989.
  • Ian H. Redmount and Wai-Mo Suen, ``Classical and Quantum Dynamics of Wormholes and Holes in Minkowski Space,'' Contributed Paper at the Washington DC General Meeting of the American Physical Society, 16--19 April 1990.
  • D. Lynden-Bell, J. Katz, I. H. Redmount, and E. L. Lynden-Bell, ``Film of the Extension of Schwarzschild Space Through the $r=0$ Singularity,'' Contributed Paper at the 15th Texas Symposium/ESO--CERN
  • Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Fundamental Physics, Brighton, England, 16--21 December 1990. Published in the Proceedings of that Symposium, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Vol. 647, edited by J. D. Barrow, L. Mestel, and P. A. Thomas, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1991, pp. 605--609.
  • Ian H. Redmount and Wai-Mo Suen, ``Quantum-Gravitational Dynamics of Minkowski-Space Wormholes,'' Contributed Paper at the Sixth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Kyoto, Japan, 23--29 June 1991. Published in the Proceedings of that Meeting, edited by H. Sato and T. Nakamura, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 1992, pp. 600--602.
  • Ian H. Redmount and Wai-Mo Suen, ``Does Quantum Spacetime Foam Exist?'' Contributed Paper at the First Midwest Relativity Conference, Urbana, Illinois, 6--7 March 1992.
  • Ian H. Redmount and Wai-Mo Suen, ``Probing the Quantum Dynamics of Lorentzian Spacetime Foam,'' Contributed Paper at the 13th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Huerta Grande, Cordoba, Argentina, 28 June--4 July 1992.
  • Ian H. Redmount, ``Probing Planck-Scale Physics: Questions of Stability,'' Contributed Paper at the Second Midwest Relativity Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 6--7 November 1992.
  • Ian H. Redmount, ``Minisuperspace Models of the Quantum Dynamics of Vacuum Wormholes,'' Contributed Paper at the Third Midwest Relativity conference, Rochester, Michigan, 5--6 November 1993.
  • Ian H. Redmount, ``Vacuum States and Particles in the Open Universe,'' Contributed Paper at the Eighth Midwest Relativity Conference, Fargo, North Dakota, 25--26 September 1998.
  • Ian H. Redmount,``Classification of Mixed-Content Friedmann-Robertson- Walker Universes,'' Contributed Paper at the Eleventh Midwest/First Central Canada Relativity Conference, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 19-20 October 2001.
  • Ian H. Redmount, ``Relativity Revealed,'' Tanner Lecture at the annual conference of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Utah Valley State College, Orem, Utah, 15 April 2005 and keynote lecture at the Society of Physics Students Zone 12 Spring 2005 Meeting, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 23 April 2005.